Folketinget opens with proposition to allow 15-year-olds to donate organs

Parliament’s reopening saw a slew of proposals, with one aiming to confront the taboo of organ donation

One of the law proposals set out at yesterday’s opening of the Danish Parliament, Folketinget, was a bill that would allow 15-year-olds to register as organ donors, but parents will continue to have the last word.

“We currently lack organ donors,” said Venstres health spokesperson Jane Heitmann, commenting that the party supports the proposal.

“We believe it is important that parents also have the option to ‘overrule’ the decision made by their child,” she added.

A change of heart
The government’s announcement comes in the wake of a petition from the Association for Organ Donation recommending “presumed consent”. That received the necessary 50,000 online signatures, so was already scheduled to be debated in Folketinget.

The association’s proposal suggests the current opt-in system of consent is too cumbersome, causing some potential donors to be left ineligible.

READ ALSO: Majority of Danes undecided on donating their organs

Jane Heitmann commented that in the past, Venstre has been opposed to a nudge-based system, but that it is now on the table for discussion.

According to the association, only 22 percent of Danes have actively agreed to organ donation, while 90 percent say they favour the option.

The government’s proposal is expected to be debated in early November.

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