Citizenry proposal for Danish climate law gathering momentum

Over half of the required signatures have already been found in under a week

Parliament may well have to entertain a new citizenry proposal concerning an ambitious climate law in the not too distant future.

A petition co-started by the ecological council, Det Økologiske Råd, has already attracted over 21,300 of the required 50,000 signatures required for Parliament to discuss a citizenry proposal. And that’s despite the petition only being launched six days ago.

“Denmark needs a new climate bill that sets out a clear framework for Danish climate efforts,” Det Økologiske Råd wrote in its petition.

“The law should establish that the reduction of greenhouse gases is a cross-cutting issue that should be included in all policies and be a key objective for the whole community. The law should commit Denmark to put five-year mandatory national climate targets that meet the Paris Agreement.”

READ MORE: Denmark disappointed in EU climate proposal

Broad backing
According to the petition, the proposed climate law should contain the following six points:

– Denmark must meet its climate targets to meet the Paris Agreement

– Five-year milestones should be set looking ahead at least 15 years

– The climate agenda should be intertwined in other areas of policy

– The climate council should be strengthened and made independent

– Denmark must adhere to developing green solutions

– Denmark must be a driving force in international climate politics

To sign the petition one needs to be a Danish citizen, have a NemID login solution and be 18 or over. Read more about the petition here (in English).

Aside from Det Økologiske Råd, the other organisations to be part of launching the petition include VedvarendeEnergi, Greenpeace, Folkekirkens Nødhjælp, Verdens Skove, Klimabevægelsen, WWF, CARE Danmark, Mellemfolkeligt Samvirke and Danmarks Naturfredningsforening.