Citizenry proposal seeks to ban non-vaccinated kids from kindergartens

Proposal already has 17,000 votes of support

Measles has spread like wildfire across much of the world in recent years – spurred on by an increasing number of parents deciding against giving their children the vaccination that has all but eradicated the highly-contagious virus.

There have been five cases in Denmark in the past few weeks, and now a citizenry proposal has been lodged with Parliament that seeks to ban all non-vaccinated kids from public kindergartens – omitting those who can’t be vaccinated for one reason or another.

Since being initiated late last month, the proposal (here in Danish) has attracted 17,000 votes of support – a good start towards reaching the 50,000 votes required to see the proposal be taken up by Parliament.

“A larger number of parents are choosing to not vaccinate their kids and we need to do something before our herd immunity takes damage. Herd immunity is critical to ensure that children, who aren’t old enough or can’t have the vaccine due to illness, don’t become ill,” the proposal stated.

READ MORE: Danish research busts autism-via-vaccination

Autism myth debunked
Several countries have already made vaccination mandatory – including Italy, which ruled in 2017 that all kids had to be vaccinated before being admitted to public kindergartens and schools.

And the Danes seem to agree with that approach – or at least according to a DR survey from 2015 that showed that 75 percent of Danes agreed, or partially agreed, that the MMR vaccination (for measles, mumps, and rubella) should be obligatory.

That opinion was likely further cemented this week when a massive Danish study involving 650,000 children over a decade debunked the autism-via-MMR vaccination myth once and for all.

The research found that autism is just as prevalent among children administered the MMR vaccination compared to those who weren’t.

READ MORE: Brick by Brick | Do yourself – and others – a favour: Get vaccinated

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