Denmark working to secure COVID-19 vaccines for the impoverished

The government has set aside 140 million kroner to help distribute vaccines to the most vulnerable populations – particularly in Africa

As more and more developed countries begin vaccinating their populations for the COVID-19 virus, Denmark is looking out for the interests of those with less means.

The government has revealed that it has set aside 50 million kroner for the international vaccine co-operation, COVAX.

The move will secure a billion vaccine doses to 92 low and medium-income nations in 2021. 

READ ALSO: COVID-19 vaccine could come to Denmark sooner than expected

Aid for Africa 
Additionally, the government wants to give another 50 million kroner to the UNICEF Supply Division in Copenhagen to help the organisation purchase and distribute vaccines on behalf of COVAX and assist developing countries in rolling out vaccine programs for their most vulnerable groups.

Finally, the World Bank’s energy sector program ESMAP will be given 40 million kroner in a bid to increase access to green electricity for health clinics in Africa – helping them store vaccines at required temperatures.

“The entire world will remain exposed to new virus outbreaks until the most vulnerable population groups and health systems are protected,” said development minister, Flemming Møller Mortensen.