National Round-Up: Vaccine-sceptics sharing infected ‘lollipop’ to get corona pass

Vaccine-sceptics are adopting an approach to the coronavirus regulations that many might think is surprising.

In light of the rules making it increasingly hard to live a ‘normal life’ without being vaccinated, many are deliberately infecting themselves with corona so they can qualify for a corona pass once they have recovered.

TV2 recently spoke to two women, Dorte and Kirsten (neither is their real name), who did just that.

No sweet end of the lollipop for Karen
The women are both members of a private social media group that enables like-minded individuals to get together with people infected with corona.

Dorte did not need their help, however. “My son and his friends were sick and in isolation. I went around and hugged them, ate from the same plates as them or drank from the same glass,” she revealed.

“It’s because I’m just so tired of this. So it’s to get a quick corona pass and avoid being tested all the time. And then becoming immune to the disease.”

Kirsten, meanwhile, shared a lollipop with an infected friend, but failed to get infected!

Actions worry experts
Experts are understandably concerned by the revelations.

“It is worrying that COVID-19 is a disease that someone will actively seek out – especially when there are vaccines that are effective and safe,” Dr Andreas Rudkjøbing, who works with emergency preparedness and infectious diseases at the Danish Health and Medicines Authority, told TV2. 

Since November 26, companies have had permission to request a corona pass from their employees. Refusal to comply could cost an employee their job.

The National Board of Health recommends earlier births
The National Board of Health would like to carry out more inductions. It therefore intends to lower the limit on how long a woman can remain pregnant in a bid to carry out an additional 5,500 every year. 

Minus interest rates might be illegal
Lawyers from the Consumer Ombudsman have cast major doubt on the banks’ right to charge negative interest rates, reports TV2. Jyske Bank started the practice earlier this year, and then several other banks followed suit, lowering the taxable amount every time. As things stand, negative interest is payable on all savings of over 100,000 kroner. 

New fungal species in Denmark
Some 16 new fungal species have been found on Danish soil, reports In collaboration with a Spanish peer, a researcher at Statens Naturhistoriske Museum discovered all 16.  The pair have also observed a further 166 species never been seen before in Denmark.

Man shot dead in Nørrebro
A man was shot dead last night on the corner of Nørrebrogade and Sorgenfrigade in Nørrebro, Copenhagen Police has confirmed. The man was reportedly shot in the back. Two men, of whom one needed a Swedish interpreter, have been arrested.

Five students in hospital after dog attack
Two dogs attacked a group of students at Tårnby Gymnasium in Amager on Thursday, according to Copenhagen Police. None of the students were seriously injured and one of the dogs has been destroyed.

Armed services could help recover deleted text messages
The Mink Commission is seeking permission from PM Mette Frederiksen and three other officials to ask the Defense Intelligence Service if it can recover deleted text messages from their phones, reports BT. To go ahead, permission from the individuals is required.

Police launch crackdown on Christmas drink driving
The police have launched a huge drink driving crackdown today. They will most particularly be trying to catch revellers returning home from julefrokost office lunches over the next three weekends in the build-up to Christmas. Checks will also be carried out on Sunday mornings.

Jysk posts record turnover for latest financial year
Jysk has shrugged off the pandemic to post profits of 4.5 billion kroner for its 2020-21 fiscal year – an increase of 23 percent. The retail group, which mostly sells furnishing and fittings for the home, had a record turnover of 33 billion kroner.