Big Brother is watching! How your telecom data could soon be legally collected  

Parliament discussing proposal to log records across two-thirds of the country in bid to fight crime

If the government’s proposal to log citizens’ telecom data were to become a reality, then you could be one of the 3.9 million people living in Denmark who resides in a catchment area. That represents about 67 percent of the population.

Those numbers are just an estimation made by the Rigspolitiet national police, which intends to use the data to fight crime.

Furthermore, even if you don’t live in the areas, it’s likely you’ll visit them and be logged whilst there.

An exact map of the logging areas has not yet been drawn.

Parliament divided
For the proposal to become law, it must have the backing of a majority in Parliament.

While Socialdemokratiet can rely on the support of Konservative, the same can’t be said about some of its allies.

“We are approaching a situation where logging will be indiscriminate,” warned SF legal spokesperson Karina Lorentzen, according to DR.

“It is a fairly significant and large proportion of the population, and that is far from ideal.”

Greater freedom?
The justice minister, Nick Hækkerup, maintains the measures will increase the security and freedom of the people of Denmark, and that only criminals should fear them.

However, Lorentzen contends the government hasn’t struck the right balance between police efficiency and public freedom.