Mid-March Events: Chocolate, cocktails, comedy and championship wrestling

March 16-April 9, Mon-Fri 19:30, Sat 17:00; Krudttønden, Serridslevvej 2, Cph Ø; 205kr, teaterbilletter.dk
Claus Bue directs Ian Burns, Andrew Jeffers, Sune Svanekjær and Dawn Wall in this brand new play by Irish playwright Fergal O’Byrne. Check out the interview with Fergal in the St Patrick’s Day supplement to find out more.

Chocolate Festival
March 12-13, 10:00-17:00; Otto Busses Vej, Cph SV
The Chocolate Festival is for everyone interested in good chocolate. A lot of different Danish brands host stands offering delicious tastings and purchases. (AD)

Children’s Literature Festival
March 14-19; various libraries
This year the festival’s focus is on ‘Wondrous Families’ in children’s literature. Among the many activities, meet authors, listen to them read and attend workshops. Youngsters can enter a short story competition for 11 to 14-year-olds. (AD)  

Science & Cocktails
March 15, 19:00; DR Koncerthuset, Ørestads Boulevard 13, Cph S; 145-195kr
Spend an evening with archeology superstar David Wengrow as he discusses ‘A new science of human history’. He explains how archaeology and anthropology are providing startling new answers to major questions, revealing a prehistoric world more varied and unexpected than we ever knew. Marathon Monks and Copyflex are performing. (AD)

Music of The Lion King
March 13, 15:00-17:30; DR Koncerthuset, Ørestads Boulevard 13, Cph S; 525kr
Take a musical journey with the greatest hits from ‘The Lion King’, as written by Sir Elton John and Hans Zimmer and performed by the Broadway Symphony Orchestra. (AD)

Lucy Love
March 17, 20:00; Amager Bio, Øresundvej 6, Cph S; 220kr from ticketmaster.dk, 235kr at the door
Grime duo Lucy Love are promoting their most recent album, ‘Hammerhead’, which they released on October 2. (AD)

CPH Championship Wrestling
March 12, doors 18:00, show 19:00; Idrætsfabrikken, Valdemarsgade 12, Cph V; online 200kr, at the door 250kr, bit.ly/CCWGRUNGE
Experience the action live at what has been described as Denmark’s WILDEST night out as top stars battle it out in the ring! All your favourite CCW stars, including Copenhagen Hangman, are returning. And the star could be you, as the action on the night is being taped. (AD)  

3for2: English Comedy Night
March 15, 20:00; Strandlodsvej 7, Cph S; 85kr, tinyurl.com
Six comedians and three shows = one night of unmissable comedy at the Teater Play. (AD)

La Bohème
March 12 at 19:30, March 16 & 22 at 19:00, March 18 at 20:00; Opera House, Ekvipagemestervej 10, Cph K, 80-980kr, kglteater.dk
The essence of Puccini’s ‘La Bohème’ is catchy music sprinkled with heart-stirring arias and magnificent choral works. Its almost cinematically condensed plot has been called the world’s best musical drama. (AD)  

Dance ‘n Drinks – for everyone
March 18, 18:30-21:30, Salsa class 18-30:19-30; Hvidkildevej 64, Cph NV; free adm, sign up via FB event ‘Dance ‘n Drinks – For Alle’
Dance n’ Drinks is an evening for EVERYONE who loves to dance, regardless of level and age. Don’t miss out on this evening of music, fun, socialising and great wine. (AD)

Exhibition by ‘yespr’
March 11, 16:00-19:00 & March 12, 12:00-17:00; Foyer of Johan Borups Højskole, Frederiksholms Kanal 24, Cph K
An exhibition of 15 charcoal drawings on cardboard: close-ups and sections of selected artefacts, people and buildings from his life and travels. (AD)  

It’s Groovy
March 12, 17:00; Cinemateket, Gothersgade 55, Cph K; 300kr, 250kr for members, to book tickets, call 3374 3412
Enjoy all three films of the Austin Powers marathon with an open bar. Casper Christensen from Filmnørdens Hjørne will address the audience with a presentation about the notorious womaniser before the first film. (AD)  

Copenhagen Bike Show
March 12, 09:00-18:00 & March 13, 09:00-16:00; Øksnehallenen, Halmtorvet 11, Cph V; online tickets 75kr via billetto.dk, at the door 90kr, under-12s free adm
Whether you’re an ambitious amateur, an energetic cycling enthusiast or looking for innovative novelties for the family, there will be something among the exhibits and speakers for all bike lovers. (AD)  

Flea Market at DTU
March 20, 10:00-16:00; Anker engelundsvej 1, bygning 101, indgang E, Kongens Lyngby
Find your new favourite blouse at the Environmental Council’s flea market. (AD)

How to host something as a cloud
March 11, 20:00 & March 12, 19:00; Brønshøjvej 29, Brønshøj; tickets: 45-65kr, eventbrite.comwarehouse9.dk
A multi-sensory and all-consuming performance installation that takes you completely into its LGBT universe. The venue will not be heated; you should expect the same temperatures as outside. (AD)

CTC Open Stage
March 17, 19:30-10:00; Krudttønden, Serridslevvej 2, Cph Ø; ctcircle.dk
The CTC is calling all artists to perform at its next open stage night. If you want to join, sign up via openstage@ctcircle.dk. (AD)    

Learn to Draw Your Emotions
March 12, 16:00-18:00; Brydes Allé 24A, Cph S; 390kr via art-xp.com
Get in touch with your emotions through mixed media art. There are only five tickets available so hurry up and book yours. (AD)

Follow Your Inner Voice
Thursdays 17:00-19:30; Heinesgade 11, Cph N; 300kr via art-xp.com
This is an intuitive painting class where Agostina Vilar invites you to connect with your inner voice, while letting her lead you in the process of creating an authentic expression of yourself on paper. (AD)    

Globe Quiz
March 24, 19:15; Globe Irish Pub, Nørregade 43-45, Cph K; 50 kroner per person to enter
Game night’s on at this pub on Nørregade! The winners will be awarded 1,000 kroner, and there are plenty of spot prizes too. (MB)

Gravens Rand Quiz
March 15 & 29, 19:00; Søndre Fasanvej 24, Frederiksberg; entry 30kr
Maximum of four per team, it’s 1,000 kroner for the winners and a crate of beer for second. Two beer rounds, and shots for last place!

Linocut Print Workshop
March 15, 13:00 & 18:30 and March 22, 14:00 and 18:30; Blaa Galleri, Blågårdsgade 29, Cph N; 500kr via art-xp.com
This beginner’s workshop with Henry the Rabbit will provide all the tricks to get you started on making your own prints for poster art, t-shirt & fabric designs, propaganda, or limited-edition fine art. (AD)  

Outdoor Flea Market
March 19-20, 10:00-17:00; Otto Bussesvej 5A, Cph SV
Buy or sell your outdoor equipment. Stands are provided free of charge. Send an email to marcus@vagabond.info with a short text + photo to present your goods. (AD)

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