Early October Events: Culture Night is approaching!

Culture Night
Oct 14; 18:00-00:00; various locations; 110kr, kulturnatten.dk
Copenhagen’s annual Culture Night kicks off the autumn break, offering children and adults hundreds of events over the course of just one night. Experience Copenhagen in a different light and see places you would not normally get access to, when hundreds of museums, churches, exhibition halls, art galleries, humanitarian organisations, and political and cultural institutions open their doors to host cultural events.

Fly me to the Moon
Sep 28-Oct 20, performances Mon-Fri 21:30, Tue 13:00, Sat 17:00; Krudttønden, Serridslevvej 2, Cph Ø; 205kr
The English language premiere of Marie Jones’ play ‘Fly me to the Moon’, a comedy play depicting the lives of two nurses presented with an opportunity to get ahead financially, which ultimately spirals out of control. Starring Dawn Wall and Alexandra Jespersen, the play is directed by That Theatre Company’s artistic director Ian Burns.

Opera Tours in English
Oct 1 at 10:00, Oct 8 at 13:00; Ekvipagemestervej 10, Cph K; 135kr, under-12s 60kr, kglteater.dk
Discover the Opera’s beautiful foyer with its clean lines, Olafur Eliasson’s light sculptures, and views over Copenhagen Harbour that embrace the shiny maple shell around the Main Stage. There is also a tour of Gamle Scene on October 2 at 11:00.

Science and Cocktails
Sep 27; Koncertsalen, DR Koncerthuset, Ørestads Boulevard 13, Cph S; 145-195kr, drkoncerthuset.dk
Science & Cocktails presents an evening on outer space. Join Nobel laureate Didier Queloz for the talk ‘The Exoplanet Revolution’, an overview of the enormous advances in the search for other habitable planets. Queloz sprang to fame when he discovered an exoplanet – a planet similar to our own Earth.

Proper British Afternoon Tea
Oct 9; Kogebogeriet, Guldbergsgade 10, Cph N
If you’re looking for an authentic British afternoon tea, then Kogebogeriet is the place to go. Enjoy a menu that includes roast beef with Yorkshire pudding, freshly-baked scones and clotted cream, along with unlimited tea.

Buster Film Festival
Sep 16-Oct 9; various cinemas; tickets from 20kr; buster.dk
Buster is Scandinavia’s largest film festival for young people, targeting the 3-16 age bracket with more than 100 movies, TV series, and games. Participating cinemas can be found in Copenhagen city centre, Frederiksberg, Vesterbro, Valby and Vanløse.

As Long as The Sun Lasts
ends Oct 23; Louisiana, Gammel Strandvej 13, Humlebæk; 125kr
Perched on a crescent moon with a ladder is a blue version of Big Bird, the character from the US children’s TV show ‘Sesame Street’. Inspired by the mass-produced toy kits that can be reassembled in different ways without the need for tools, Alex Da Corte created the six-metre sculpture piece in New York in 2021.

Gravens Rand Quiz
Oct 11; Søndre Fasanvej 24, Frederiksberg; entry 30kr
Maximum of four per team, it’s 1,000 kroner for the winners and a crate of beer for second. Two beer rounds, and shots for last place!

Mom, I don’t want war
ongoing until Nov; in front of St Ansgar’s Cathedral, Bredgade 64, Cph K
‘Mom, I don’t want war’ is an art exhibition presenting the incredibly moving testimonies of children during the war. Drawings of Polish children, mostly during the German occupation of Poland between 1939 and 1945, are combined with contemporary drawings of Ukrainian children during the current war.

ongoing until Nov 3; Opera House, Ekvipagemestervej 10, Cph K; 160-770kr, kglteater.dk
Come to the Opera House and be captivated and entertained by the life of the adventurous Danish storyteller Karen Blixen. Blixen is a three-act ballet choreographed by Royal Danish Ballet principal dancer Gregory Dean.

La Cenerentola
Sep 28-Oct 26; Opera House, Ekvipagemestervej 10, Cph K; 160-770kr,  kglteater.dk
Enjoy a fairy-tale opera sung in Italian based on the story of Cinderella, which despite its more than 200 years of longevity remains as fresh and captivating as its origins.

ongoing, ends Feb 19; Sølvgade 48-50, Cph K; 120kr
The year 2022 marks exactly 30 years since Denmark received 20,000 refugees from the former Yugoslavia. Many of these refugees chose to stay in Denmark and became artists, and seven of them present personal artwork inspired by the Yugoslav Wars, migration and asylum policies.

Blue Hall Antiques Market
Sat-Sun 10:00-16:00, through Oct; Ved Amagerbanen 9, Cph SV
The Blue Hall is an indoor flea market that includes a cute café. It is lined with stalls featuring furniture, jewellery, ceramics and art. It is a great way to spend some time wandering around looking for home decorations.

Big Quiz Night
Sep 29 & Oct 6, 19:15; Globe, Nørregade 43, Cph K; 50kr, five per team
The winners get 1,200 kroner. And who knows, the odd rollover has been known to go too. Back-to-back quizzes following the cancellation of the September 22 edition.

Infinite Deep
ends Jan 16; Nikolaj Kunsthal, Nikolaj Plads 10, Cph K; 40kr
Curator Christian Nørgaard had exclusive access to David Lynch’s photo archives to make this exhibition. It’s tailor-made to fit in with the gothic style of Nikolaj Kunsthals Øvre Galleri og Tårn. The church tower dates back to the 16th century.

CPH Architecture Festival
Oct 6-16; various venues; cafx.dk
The theme of the Copenhagen Architecture Festival, ‘Sense of Place’, explores and discusses how people sense, experience and understand places.

Thursday Night Live
Sep 29 & Oct 13, 20:00; Scandic Spectrum, Kalvebod Brygge 10, Cph K; 80kr
Enjoy some amazing improv talent and then meet the team after the show.

Digital Matters
opens Oct 12; Kunsthalle Charlottenborg, Kongens Nytorv 1, Cph K; 90kr; kunsthalcharlottenborg.dk
Honey Biba Beckerlee examines connections between spheres of geology, technology and biology using wire coils, microchip scrap, cables and server racks to create sculptures that resemble ceramic mosaics.

Copenhagen Blues Festival
Sep 30-Oct 2; various times and venues; copenhagenbluesfestival.dk
It’s autumn, and once again it’s time for ‘Blue Copenhagen’! Blues fans are invited to visit the city’s many clubs and venues for a week of world-class music, which will include the best homegrown artists from Denmark.

Ka-Ching! – Show me the money
opens Sep 28; National Museum, Ny Vestergade 10, Cph K
Learn about the history of money and gain some insights into the world of finance. And take a money bath!

De kosmiske dansere
opens Sep 29, 16:00; Ofelia Plads, Cph K
Attend the official unveiling of five large sculptures, each 3.5 metres in height, made by Danish artist Lin Utzon. The statues will be illuminated each night until the end of March.

Art for All
Sep 30-Oct 2; Lokomotivværkstedet; Otto Busses Vej 5A, Cph SV
The huge art fair has to be on your ‘to do’ list this coming weekend.

World Architecture Day celebration
Oct 3, 10:00; Dansk Arkitektur Center, Bryghuspladsen 10, Cph K
Join a day of celebration that not only marks World Architecture Day but exactly 100 days before Copenhagen takes over the title of ‘UNESCO-UIA World Capital of Architecture’ from 2023-2026.

Anne Marie Carl-Nielsen
Oct 7-Feb 22; Glyptoteket, Dantes Plads 7, Cph K
Admire the work of one of Denmark’s most important woman sculptors. It’s the largest exhibition of her work since 1946.

SMK evenings
ongoing, every Wed; Statens Museum for Kunst, Sølvgade 48-50, Cph K
On Wednesdays SMK stays open until 20:00 before which you can receive a guided tour and enjoy various art experiences.

Dmitry Matvienko returns
Sep 30; Koncertsalen, DR Koncerthuset, Ørestads Boulevard 13, Cph S; 180-580kr, drkoncerthuset.dk
It promises to be a dramatic occasion when the conductor Dmitry Matvienko returns to helm the Danish National Symphony Orchestra with a performance of Shostakovich’s Symphony no. 4, demonic music by Ravel and the Grammy-nominated composer Anna Clyne.

Kennedy’s Quiz
Oct 3, 19:30; Kennedy’s Irish Bar,Gammel Kongevej 23, Cph V
Quiz night at Kennedy’s Irish Bar includes raffles, cash prizes, and drinks rounds.

Blue Hall Antiques Market
Sat-Sun 10:00-16:00, through Oct; Ved Amagerbanen 9, Cph SV
The Blue Hall is an indoor flea market that includes a cute café. It is lined with stalls featuring furniture, jewellery, ceramics and art. It is a great way to spend some time wandering around looking for home decorations.

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