Employment and Integration Mayor wants more schooling options in Copenhagen

Employment and Integration Mayor Jens-Krisitian Lütken says public schools have had a stranglehold on Copenhagen’s education sector for too long, with campaigns by the commune and Socialdemokratiet leading parents to believe the alternatives aren’t on par. Now, he’s highlighting the need to diversify schooling in the capital by establishing more private and free schools to give parents the luxury of choice.

Jens-Kristian Lütken believes public schools have monopolised the education sector in Copenhagen and is encouraging the establishment of more private schools for parents seeking alternatives. Photo: Unsplash

Copenhagen’s Employment and Integration Mayor Jens-Krisitian Lütken has called for more privatskoler (private schools) and friskoler (free schools) to be established in the new neighbourhoods of Nordhavn, Jernbanebyen, and Østhavnen, citing a growing demand for independent schooling options among Copenhageners.Speaking to Altinget, Lütken said that folkeskoler (public schools) have dominated the schooling landscape in Copenhagen […]

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