Community photo album | Distortion: lots of rain, but still the people came

From May 30 until June 3, Danes and foreigners alike lost their minds to beer and live music on the streets of Copenhagen. “Five days, several hundred gigs, around 100,000 visitors each day, clean streets the morning after, no serious injuries, lower crime than normal, and a hell of a great party,” was Distortion’s verdict. And a hell of a great party it was!

 Proof that crowdsurfing is still a fine art

 "More beer, NOW!"

 Nørrebro brew Bottled in England conquered Vesterbro’s Sønder Boulevard with their hand played

 drum ’n’bass


 It’s a guitarist thing, to play with your mouth open

 Partying on the streets of Vesterbro

 Suspicious-looking objects floating over the crowd

 La Nuit’s Jacob Brandt, who has just passed the legal drinking age, managed to entertain the crowd by

 “bringing some of the best sounds of the Copenhagen nightlife together”

 Bottled in England brought their groupies. Well, maybe they didn’t bring them, but they were there