Minister ready to spend large sum on reducing wait for cancer treatment

More than one in four patients did not receive treatment within the time limit in 2022

The number of cancer patients treated too late is the highest it’s been for 10 years, according to a new report from the Danish Health Authority.

The number has never been higher – or at least since the authority started monitoring the waiting times in 2013.

More than one in four cancer patients, 26 percent, did not receive treatment within the time limit in 2022.

All in all, almost 7,000 cancer patients last year had to wait longer than they should, according to the medically-determined limits.

Minister ready to act
The health minister, Sophie Løhde, is ready to act – both in the short and long term.

“When I took office as minister in December, I was well aware that the health service was under pressure after the corona pandemic and the nurses’ strike, but I had the clear opinion that it had succeeded in keeping life-threatening diseases under control,” Løhde told Jyllands-Posten.

“We have to reach for the pockets, and we need a really big wallet. We have to start this year.”.

However, Løhde was not prepared to put a specific amount on how much will be spent.

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