Coming up soon: British ukuleles, Bastard’s games and blissful discussions


Fill your Sunday with some Latin dances moves! The Latin American Dance Festival is closing with a huge party and everyone is invited. There will be dance group presentations, workshops and master classes (May 17, 12:00; VerdensKulturCentret, Nørre Alle 7, Cph N; free adm)

(photo: Science and Cocktails)
(photo: Science and Cocktails)


Is it possible to predict what will make us happy? Is happiness found in the pleasure of great sex or good wine? Join the debate at another Science & Cocktails reunion. This week’s subject is ‘Joyful Mind: the neuroscience of pleasure and happiness’ (May 18, 19:00; Byens Lys, Christiania; free adm)



Central America has been struggling with natural resources for years. Aarhus University professor Vladimir Pacheco will interpret this matter in a political and economical context over an evening full of discussions (May 20, 19:00; Cafe Globen, Turesensgade 2B, Cph K; free adm)

(photo: istock)
(photo: istock)


You know who’s in town this week? The Ukulele Orchestra of Great Britain. Attend for a night of guaranteed entertainment. Music you will love but might not fully understand, so be prepared to be surprised. (May 17, 20:00; Koncerthuset, Ørestads Boulevard 13, Cph S)

(photo: istock)
(photo: istock)


Old game, new games, card games…you name it, they have it! It’s Monday Match-up at Bastard Café. Go alone and meet new people, or gather your friends for a whole afternoon of coffee and board games. (May 18, 16:00; Rådhusstræde 13; free adm)

(photo: istock)
(photo: istock)


Be charmed by British comedian Stephen K Amos, who is back with his show ‘Welcome to my world’. An hour of hilarious stories that will make your abs hurt from laughing so hard (May 20, 19:30; Lygten Station, Lygten 2, Cph N; 95kr)

Connect Club is your gateway to a vibrant programme of events and an international community in Denmark.

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