The inner harbour bicycle and pedestrian bridge Inderhavnsbroen, which was supposed to be completed in 2013, is delayed once again, the City Council has revealed.
The contractor on the project, Valmont SM, has informed the City Council that the bridge won’t be ready by the end of the year after all due to steel production issues in Poland, where the steel is being produced.
“The situation suggests to me that our current contractor takes the project seriously and won’t compromise the quality of the bridge,” Jens Zøfting-Larsen, the director of construction at the City Council, told Metroxpress newspaper.
READ MORE: Bicycle bridges to be finished by end of year
No financial ramifications
Valmont SM took over the bridge construction after the former contractor Pihl & Søn went bankrupt in the second half of 2013.
The two other canal bridges that were also delayed because of Pihl & Søn’s downfall are on schedule to be completed before Christmas this year. It was not revealed when the oft-delayed bridge was expected to finally open.
The most recent delay is not expected to have any financial repercussions for the City Council or the AP Møller Fund, which has contributed two thirds of the financing for the bridge.