Christiania shutting down (for a week)

All shops, restaurants and bars will close while residents discuss the future of the freetown

The freetown Christiania is closing for a week between January 27 and February 2.

Shops, Pusher Street, clubs, bars and restaurants will all be closed and the four main entrances will be barricaded but not manned with guards, meaning that residents and tourists will still be able to get in and out.

“There will be no tours, open-face sandwiches or standard [cannabis] for 50 kroner. Cigarettes and beer must be bought in the city. We’re closed!” Christiania’s local newspaper Ugespejlet wrote.

READ MORE: Christiania deal is done

During the week, the freetown will be holding a range of activities and meetings about the effects of the deal made with the former government about its future.

The deal means that certain parts of free town will be sold to the Christiania Fund and that residents will now pay rent according to the size of their dwellings.