Top Gear burn Danish sports car

Zenvo goes up in flames on recent episode of the British motoring programme

'Top Gear', the legendary British television show for car enthusiasts, had the Danish sports car Zenvo on their recent show on BBC2. Jeremy Clarkson and company were not impressed.

Clarkson, who took it for a spin, complained that the car was ol- fashioned and riddled with errors before the car broke down and was sent back to Denmark. It returned but quickly burst into flames after a cooling fan malfunctioned.

After it returned yet again from Denmark, the show’s anonymous professional driver, The Stig, took the Zenvo for a lap that was timed slower than a Ford Focus.

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You're havin' a G-raffe
But Clarkson did have something positive to say about the eight-million-kroner car when asked by his co-host James May whether the car had any upsides.

“Upsides? Yes, the fire did help get rid of the condensation in the lights,” Clarkson quipped, before suggesting that the maker, Zenvo Automotive, change its name. “It’s Danish, orange and it’s genetically flawed. I’m surprised they haven’t called it the giraffe. And shot it,” Clarkson said, referring to the giraffe Marius who was put down at Copenhagen Zoo last week.

It’s not the first time that Danish car producers have tried to launch a car on the international market. The electric car ‘Hope Whisper’ failed to impress in the early 1980s, while another electric car, Ellerten, which actually featured on 'Top Gear' in the 80s, also stopped production in 1993.

Check out the Zenvo on Top Gear below


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