Majority of Danes don’t want new fighter jets

Just 30 percent believe the new fighters are a good idea

Just weeks before the government reveals which new fighter jet will replace the ageing fleet of F-16s in the Danish Air Force, a new survey has revealed that most Danes are against the plans all together.

The survey, composed by Wilke on behalf of Jyllands-Posten newspaper, reveals  that 53.3 percent of Danes are against spending upwards of 30 billion kroner on a new fleet of fighter jets. The news has put the defence minister, Peter Christiansen, in defence mode.

“The time after the fall of the Berlin Wall, when we were all assured that the NATO nations were not under threat, has changed,” Christiansen told Jyllands-Posten newspaper.

“So Denmark must, as other NATO nations, make an effort to defend itself and other NATO members.”

READ MORE: New fighter jets to be bought without recommended analysis

Nay-saying ladies
The survey showed that just 30.8 percent believe the new fighters are a good idea, while 15.9 percent said they “weren’t sure”.

It is particularly Danish women who don’t see a need for the fighter upgrade. Under 20 percent of the women thought the investment was warranted.

The government is expected to reveal its new fighter choice sometime in May.

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