AP Møller Foundation giving nearly a billion kroner to Danish citizens “living on the edge”

Young people and better facilities for the socially disadvantaged part of the goals of donation

The AP Møller Support Fund will over the next fire to six years donate 750 million kroner to help vulnerable citizens.

“Denmark has a strong welfare system,” fund director Henrik Tvarnø told Altinget.

“But we feel a need for development and long-term investments in which the state, civil society and business can work even more closely. The fund can do things that the state alone cannot accomplish.”

Everyone’s skills are important
Funds from the donation will be focused in three main areas: bringing young people and adults into the labour market; eradicating the negatives brought on by being socially disadvantaged; and creating better facilities, institutions and housing for the socially disadvantaged.

READ MORE: Mærsk Mc-Kinney Møller: More than a businessman

“The fund is intended to strengthen citizens who live on the edge because individual lives must be respected and because society needs everybody’s powers and abilities,” said fund chairperson Ane Mærsk Mc-Kinney Uggla.

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