NemID fix not available until Saturday

Three days after starting, Nets continues to work on getting national computer login system back on track

People who have installed the most recent update of the Java plug-in on their computers will have to wait another day before they can log into computer networks using the NemID system. 

According to Nets, the company that operates NemID, the compatibility problems with the latest version of Java are expected to be solved by Friday night and, after once again updating their computers with the latest Java version, users should be able to use the system. 

“Our expectation is that the last outstanding thing we were unable to fix last night will be solved sometime today,” Søren Winge, a spokesperson for Nets, told the Ritzau news bureau. “Then we will be able to update the system on Friday night, and people will again be able to use their NemID as usual.” 

“We tested a new solution Thursday evening and were able to fix the majority of issues, but unfortunately there is one last thing we need to do before we are done. But we fully expect everything to be done Friday.”

READ MORE: NemID does not compute with Java update

When it was reported on Tuesday that users were experiencing problems logging on using NemID, Nets said the system would be ready and functioning again on Thursday.

Java is needed in order to login with NemID. Under normal circumstances, users are advised to regularly update their Java programs in order to ensure they always have the latest version. But Nets says not to upgrade to the latest version (Java 7.45) until it announces that it has corrected the problems. 

This is not the first time this year that NemID users have been cut off from their bank accounts. On April 11, a co-ordinated DDoS hacking attack shut down the system. The hackers who claimed responsibility of the attack said that they used a program that cost $10, a little less than 60 kroner, to shut down the system.