New Danish right-wing party on the horizon

Nye Borgerlige argues that Dansk Folkeparti has gone soft

Dansk Folkeparti (DF) might not be the only right-wing pony in town in the not-too-distant future. A new party, Nye Borgerlige, has been established and is gaining momentum.

Pernille Vermund, the head of the new party, said that she started Nye Borgerlige because she feels DF’s immigration policies are far too lenient.

“We want to step out of the refugee convention and stop all asylum processing in Denmark,” Vermund told TV2 News. “We want to send home all immigrants here on temporary residence.”

“Even if that means sending people back to war-torn nations. These countries are not depopulated in any way.”

READ MORE: Government secures three-party deal on integration

Following Alternativet
Vermund went on to contend that all Danish borders should be protected by armed guards and that foreigners in Denmark who can’t support themselves should be sent back to their home countries.

She has secured around 9,000 voter declarations over the past seven months and needs just 11,000 more to be able to run for Parliament at the next elections.

And while it might not sound overly impressive, it’s worth mentioning that the party has already secured more declarations than the recently-formed party Alternativet had at a similar juncture in its history.

A recent poll showed that 13 percent of Danes want a party more right-wing than DF, so there is a good chance the new party will acquire enough declarations to run for Parliament.

The blonde-haired Vermund is 40, just two years older than Pia Kjærsgaard was when she co-founded DF in 1995.

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