Copenhagen opens probably the best commuter train station in the world

The new Carlsberg station officially opened on Sunday

Hans Christian Schmidt, the transportation minister, and DSB managing director Flemming Jensen opened Copenhagen’s latest S-train commuter station at Carlsberg Byen at a ceremony on Sunday.

The new station will replace Enghave Station, and is expected to become one of the busiest in the city.

“DSB believes that the station will become one of the capital’s five busiest S-train stations with 24,000 daily travellers,” said Carlsberg Byen in a statement.

Location, location, location
The new Carlsberg Station is located on the same spot where the Carlsberg Brewery operated its own freight depot, Station Hof, from 1937 to 1985.

“The station is large and is centrally-located, making it tremendously important,” said Schmidt.

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