Extra! Take the journey from oblivion to stardom with the stars of ‘Klovn’

See yourself up in lights in ‘De første danske jordbær’ by joining in this Wednesday

“Welcome to the red carpet at the Imperial Cinema Copenhagen where we are joined by the stars of the new Danish movie ‘De første danske jordbær’: Frank Hvam, Casper Christensen, and the actor on everyone’s lips following their standout turn as a strawberry picker: YOU!”

That’s right! Clear your calendar this Wednesday because you’re going to a movie set at Ballerup Super Arena to rub shoulders with the Klovn stars and Jesper Rofelt, the director who has our eternal gratitude for giving us ‘Osman og Jeppe’.

Rocking that Simon Le Bon look
The film is set in 1983 – who said your Duran Duran-inspired throwback look wouldn’t come in handy one of these days?

As well as being aged 30-60, it’s accordingly advised you need to look like Danish people of the era: so that’s caucasian, no tattoos, no piercings, and in possession of styleable, non-dyed hair.

If you’re selected, it will involve an early start as the shoot starts at 7 am

Two tickets to the flicks
To get involved, email a selfie (that rules this author out, and I was doing so well) to Jesper Rofelt of DK Management & Casting at romer@dkman.dk with your mobile number, height, weight, age, shoe size and clothes sizes.

The payment is two cinema tickets, which of course could be used to watch ‘De første danske jordbær’ (the first Danish strawberries) when it comes out next year.

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