Danish innovation: A menu holder that charges your phone

Ström an early hit among cafes, cars and restaurants

Two Aarhus youngsters, Halfdan Harring and Pierre Skovgaard, have come up with an ingenious concept that will allow cafe, bar and restaurant customers to charge their phones at their tables.

The invention is a menu holder named Ström, which contains four built-in USB plugs that are compatible with different smartphone chargers. The idea stemmed from a night out just four months ago.

“Halfdan’s phone ran out of charge and it put a damper on the whole night,” Skovgaard told Metroxpress newspaper.

“Either he had to go home or we had to jump from bar to bar in an attempt to borrow a charger. We were forced to sit at the bar to stay close to the outlet.”

READ MORE: Danish invention could revolutionise wind energy

Charging ahead
Ström has only been on the market for a month, but a number of cafes, restaurants and nightclubs have already jumped at the opportunity to get their hands on the charger.

In Aarhus, the charger has been sold to 30 different cafes and restaurants, and the two entrepreneurs are on the brink of landing a deal with a Danish chain to put Ström in an additional 150 locations.

Due to the early success, Skovgaard and Harring have doubled their order from their overseas producer.

“It’s going so quickly that we can’t keep up,” said Skovgaard.

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