Morning Briefing – Wednesday, May 22

The Copenhagen Post’s daily digest of what the Danish press is reporting

Government to axe activity lessons

The education minister, Christine Antorini (Socialdemokraterne), has decided to give in to the opposition and cut the 'activity time' aspect of the government's proposed school reform. Professor of education Niels Egelund called the negotiations a “theatre piece” and lambasted the opposition for wanting to get rid of the proposal . The activity time, which consisted of five to nine extra hours a week that would combine education, movement and play, was presented as a key part of the school reform plan. – Berlingske

Tax evasion becoming more difficult

The risk of being caught cheating the tax authorities is likely to increase after the majority of EU nations agreed to share banking information across borders. Only Luxembourg and Austria have yet to agree to sign the agreement. The news has led the tax minister, Holger K Nielsen (Socialistisk Folkeparti), to urge Danes with hidden assets abroad to reveal their holdings to the tax authorities and take advantage of decreased penalties. – Politiken

Politicians gamble with patients’ health

The government and opposition parties are gambling with the health and lives of medical patients in Denmark, according to a number of patient associations. The concern comes after Jyllands-Posten newspaper found that the politicians want to control how many patients general practitioners (GPs) refer further down the health system line, including a plan to reward GPs who issue fewer referrals. – Jyllands-Posten

Danske Bank ending atomic weapons investment

As of next year, Danske Bank will no longer be in the business of earning money on the production of atomic weapons. Thomas H Kjærgaard, a spokesperson for Danske Bank, said that it was about principle. Nordea ended atomic weapons investment some time ago. – TV2 News

Children and teenagers sexually harassed on app

Children and teenagers are being sexually harassed via the popular mobile phone app Snapchat. The kids are being sent lewd photos from men they don’t know. Children's association Børns Vilkår said that it was problematic that children as young as 12 were being exposed to such images. Some 150 million pictures, which are visible to the receiver for up to ten seconds, are sent via Snapchat every day. – MetroXpress

South harbour metro ready by 2022

Metroselskabet looks to have its new plan for a South Harbour Metro ready for approval in the near future. City politicians are expected to agree to the 6- 8.3 billion kroner investment that will tie into the Metro's coming City Ring. The Sydhavnsmetro will offer stops at Fisketorvet, Enghave Brygge, Teglholmen, Slusen, Mozarts Plads and Ny Ellebjerg. – Ingeniøren

Tropical fish moving to Denmark

Cod, halibut and herring could all be replaced by swordfish, sardines and clown fish in Danish waters in the future, according to Canadian research.  The study, which looked at the make-up of global fish catches from 1970 to 2006, showed that the rising ocean temperatures have allowed fish from warmer seas to move north, while local fish have also been forced to move north to find colder waters. – Videnskab