Life in Denmark

  • The secret to leading Danes, part III

    The secret to leading Danes, part III


    Signe Biering

    Signe Biering is an executive coach, trained in psychology, with a background in diplomacy.

  • The rare books collection at Danish libraries

    The rare books collection at Danish libraries


    Xinxin Ren Gudbjörnsson

    A declaration of love for Danish libraries.

  • Children and young people on temporary residence permits suffer stress and uncertainty

    Children and young people on temporary residence permits suffer stress and uncertainty


    Célestine Decloedt

    A significant number of children and young people living on temporary residence permits in Denmark struggle with dissatisfaction, stress and loneliness due to the uncertain nature of their residency status, according to research by VIA University and Save the Children.

  • The best land-sea lifestyle in the world

    The best land-sea lifestyle in the world


    Owen O’Sullivan

    In Denmark, we have an ocean of opportunity at our fingertips when the good weather comes. While I was locked away for the winter, making plans for when it was safe to go outside again, it occurred to me that we may have the best land-sea lifestyle balance in the world.

  • How safe is Denmark really for LGBTQ+ people?

    How safe is Denmark really for LGBTQ+ people?


    Célestine Decloedt

    Despite Denmark’s ranking as the third safest country for LGBTQ+ individuals, a recent homophobic attack involving comedian Oscar Stanescu, and the government’s new charter to prevent nightlife discrimination are catalysing an important national discussion about the true state of LGBTQ+ rights.

  • Hiring healthcare professionals from India and the Philippines can benefit all parties 

    Hiring healthcare professionals from India and the Philippines can benefit all parties 


    Ulrik Beck, Chief Economist, Thinktank Kraka

    Denmark’s healthcare sector is under pressure. Statistics show that cross-border partnerships to train and hire professionals from abroad can relieve a labour shortage in one country, and drive up the number of people pursuing a career in care in the other. Who loses?

  • LinkedIn, job-seeking and nepotism in Denmark

    LinkedIn, job-seeking and nepotism in Denmark


    Megan Fischer

    In my last column, I shared my hot take on Danish culture – namely, that it has an inclusivity problem. I’d like to zoom in on a place where I think internationals feel this exclusion acutely. I’m talking, of course, about LinkedIn and job-seeking.

  • Goodbye to Storebæltsbroen

    Goodbye to Storebæltsbroen


    Conrad Molden

    In 2025, the 1000-kroneseddel will no longer be legal tender and, with that, Storebæltsbroen will disappear from Danske kroner.

  • How to move to Denmark with a family

    How to move to Denmark with a family


    Caroline Zielinski

    After my partner landed a fellowship in Aarhus, we had one month to pack up our entire apartment in Melbourne, rent it out, cancel our daughter’s childcare, find someone to look after our beautiful cat for six months, apply for the right visas, and find a place to live in Denmark.

  • I see a political path for the expat community

    I see a political path for the expat community


    Sune Steffen Hansen

    I realized after my latest column that there is a strong will in the expat community to seek political influence. However, you must unite to become one strong political voice for the community.

  • Can one change change your life?

    Can one change change your life?


    Xinxin Ren Gudbjörnsson

    The year of dragon, out of all 12 Chinese zodiac years, is the most opportune for positive change in one’s life.

  • Say no to the tyranny of LEGO

    Say no to the tyranny of LEGO


    Adrian Mackinder

    I can never be truly accepted into Danish society because…I hate LEGO.