Coming Up Soon: Movie mementos, museum malarkey and mid-sea madness

(photo by iStock)
(photo by iStock)

It’s Entrepreneurial Day! Attend a series of inspiring talks that will help you formulate your ideas into a business. For more information, visit (Sep 24, 10:00-16:00; CBS, Solbjerg Plads 3, Frederiskberg)

(photo by iStock)
(photo by iStock)

Party like Jack Sparrow. Put on a costume, brush up your pirate lingo and come and drink some rum! From 8-10pm, the Dark N’ Stormy and Bloody Marys are only 30 kroner (Sep 19, 20:00-02:00; Studenterhuset, Købmagergade 52, Cph K)

(photo by iStock)
(photo by iStock)

Don’t miss the Sunday Cinema Flea Market. Whether you collect Super8 films, or you want to give your room that cinematic look, don’t hesitate to stop by, as you’re bound to find something! (Sep 20, 12:00-18:00; Rådhusstræde 13, Cph K)

(photo taken by iStock)
(photo taken by iStock)

Would you like to be educated in Danish art? Enjoy a one-hour English tour on which you will be introduced to the highlights of The Hirschsprung Collection (Sep 20, 13:00 or 14:30; Stockholmsgade 20, Cph K; 75kr)

(photo by SMK)
(photo by SMK)

Who said drinking in museums is not allowed? Once again it’s SMK Fridays: art plus cheap drinks while you stroll around the exhibitions. And this time it’s part of Golden Days too (Sep 18, 16:00-22:00; Sølvgade 48, Cph Ø)

(photo taken by iStock)
(photo taken by iStock)

Gather your friends and enter the five-a-side anti-racism football tournament! The party will continue later at BumZen on Baldersgade. (Sep 25, 12:00; Nørrebroparken; Cph N; sign up: