Issues related to learning Danish isn’t a conundrum reserved for international employees. It’s something employers are increasingly becoming acutely aware of, according to the Confederation of Danish Industry
The UK, India, China and Germany lead the way for Danish subsidiaries
Stephen Gadd
It’s an ill wind that blows nobody any good, as a number of Danish food manufacturers can attest
Stephen Gadd
In other stories, Denmark signs a deal for water technology in Argentina and beefs up its export capabilities in Germany, while Legoland gains a new attraction and Arla launches a new product
In other stories, Maersk sharholders are hit hard, ATP invests heavily in Danske Bank despite the bank talking to the US authorities, and the EU is all set to investigate Danish financial services authority
Stephen Gadd
In other stories, a charitable donation from Jysk will aid the homeless, Brexit continues to vex, Lidl to expand, and an air route from Denmark to Scotland has been given a reprieve
Stephen Gadd
Danish exports could be hard-hit by Brexit and the uncertainty surrounding lower growth in the UK
Stephen Gadd
Danish companies have proved more adept at increasing revenues from visitors than their European competitors
Stephen Gadd
The fact that people are staying at work longer is already paying dividends when it comes to Denmark’s GDP
UAE blacklisted along with Saudi Arabia over Yemen conflict
Stephen Gadd
In other stories, a change of course for DI’s Dybvad, pharmaceutical companies flying high and ISS scales down
Stephen Gadd
Immigration is a vexed question that employers see as largely positive, but a number of political parties see as a threat
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