Eventhough August marks the end of summer, the city of Copenhagen always shimmers with events from theatre to circus. The city has an event for people from all walks of life.
Artists market – Some of the best artisans in the country will be selling ceramics, glass, textiles, jewellery and clothing at what is claimed to be one of Denmark’s largest markets. This annual Copenhagen market is organised by the Danish Arts and Crafts, and there will be about 20 participants from the Nordic countries this year.
Frue Plads, Cph K; open Thu 12:00-19:00, open Sat-Sun 10:00-19:00
An Evening in the Secret Garden – New English-speaking theatre troupe, Moonhound Theatre, invite you to a night of storytelling in their Secret Garden. Come for a special night on which, under the stars, we shall showcase our enchanting and uplifting stories! “Stories That Move.” Once the secret garden opens, you can take your time to explore the magical world, interact with characters or sit round the fire. Come dressed as your favourite story character and get a free drink. Besides that, there is a cheap bar and a vegan grill.
Borgervænget 5a, Cph Ø; Fri 20:00; tickets: 30kr at the door; further info: Facebook /moonhound stories, 7140 5357; www.moonhoundtheatre.wix.com
Genki – If you’re a fan of Japanese pop culture, then head to Roskilde this weekend for the fourth annual Genki convention, a celebration of anime, manga, cosplay (costume roleplay) and all things Japanese! Don’t miss this year’s musical guest of honour, Kohei Tanaka, the godfather of anime music.
Roskilde Kongres & Idrætscenter, Møllehusvej15, Roskilde; open Fri-Sun 12:00-18:00, tickets 120-350kr
Festival of India – A spiritual celebration of Indian dance, theatre, mantra recitation, culture and music. There’s a children’s tent to keep the young ones amused. The Hare Krishnas of Denmark have also organised free vegetarian food for 2,500 guests.
Gammeltorv, Cph K; Sat 14:00-20:00; www.festivalofindia.dk
Asteroid International Theatre Festival – This new festival gives the country’s shooting stars the chance to perform in an open space and offers theatre enthusiasts and novices an enriching arts experience.
Asterions Hus, William Wains Gade 9, Cph K; Fri 22:30, Sat 12:00-23:00, Sun 12:00-19:00; tickets: adults 100kr, kids 50kr; www.asteroiden.dk
New Circus Festival: Cuerdo – One man, one suitcase, three ropes and nine mousetraps: welcome to Senor Karl Stet’s universe. Let this charismatic circus magician mesmerise you and your family.
Københavns Musikteater, Kronprinsensgade 7, Cph K; Sat-Sun 17:00, Mon-Wed 19:00; tickets: adults 135kr, kids 75kr; www.scenebillet.dk, www.kobenhavnsmusikteater.dk