TV listings | Wake up America!

Hopefully you’ve got a recorder, because TV2 Zulu, in all its infinite wisdom, has decided to show the whole of Awake in one go. It’s a strange decision given that this is the Danish premiere and that it only aired a few months ago in the US. 


Jason Isaacs is a cop trapped in two existences: one in which his wife died and another where it was his son. And he doesn’t even stop working. With different partners in each reality, he is able to cross the dots and use his double life to solve cases. 


Its Metacritic score reflects a division of the critics, between those who loved its emotive and intriguing premise, and those who felt it was too complex for US audiences. It was. Viewers fell from six to two million and there will not be a second series. 


Equally challenging is All watched over by machines of loving grace (DR2, Mon-Wed 23:00), a three-part doc that questions whether computers have “distorted and simplified our view of the world around us”. The Guardian enjoyed a “fun ride that bombards you in waves and leaves you feeling bewildered and a little bit giddy”.


Skavlan möter Justin Bieber - SV1, Sat 20:00 Elsewhere, British cop series Line of Duty (DR1, Wed 22:00) goes into internal affairs territory and has its moments; the timely British doc Inside Incredible Athletes (DR2, Tue 19:55) provides fascinating insights into the Paralympics; there’s another chance to see the acclaimed drama series Homeland (SV1, Sat 22:45), gory doc series Blood And Guts – A History of Surgery (DRK, Mon 22:05), and riveting sports doc Senna (DR2, Tue 20:45); Infamous Assassinations (DRK, Mon 21:40) tackles the failed attempt on Ronald Reagan in 1981; Buck (SV1, Tue 21:00) is about the horse whisperer who inspired the Robert Redford movie; docudrama Van Gogh: Painted with Words (DRK, Sat 21:30) stars Benedict Cumberbatch in the lead; Inside Mad Men (SV2, Fri 20:00) is a treat for fans of the show; and finally, Skavlan möter Justin Bieber has the makings of an absolute classic. 


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