As southern and central Jutland woke up to a layer of up to 15cm of snow this morning, the flakes were just beginning to fall in the capital. But meteorologists say Copenhagen and northern Zealand could be hardest hit by the first snowstorm of the winter.
Accumulations of up to 20cm are expected in the Greater Copenhagen area from a front system that at its peak during its passage east over Jutland last night was dumping snow at a rate of about 6cm an hour.
Combined with gusty winds, the heavy snowfall resulted in closed roads, but with temperatures rising to above zero, precipitation has begun falling as rain and sleet in some areas.
Light snow began falling in Copenhagen around 8am, but by afternoon snowfall should intensify and remain heavy until the evening.
Temperatures are likely to remain below freezing in the region today and throughout most of this week.
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Limited daily weather forecasts in English are available on the website of the Danish Meteorological Institute.
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