Soldier killed in Afghanistan
A soldier serving in a Jægerkorpset special forces unit has died after being injured in an explosion while on a patrol in the Helmand province of Afghanistan. The soldier, who was deployed from Aalborg, was on a foot patrol with his unit in the Upper Gereshk Valley when the explosion took place, according to the military command. The soldier received immediately medical aid but was unable to be saved. The solider was the 43 Dane killed in Afghanistan since Danish forces were deployed there in 2002. – Ekstra Bladet
See related story: Afghanistan death was first time Danish elite soldier killed overseas
Less compensation for medical errors
A sharp rise in the number of people claiming compensation for wrongful medical treatment at a time of shrinking public budgets means it is likely that payment amounts will shrink. Regional councils, which manage the nation’s healthcare regions, warn that some patients will receive less compensation and some will receive nothing at all, even if they suffered serious injuries due to a medical error. The move is a way to curtail an explosion in the number of publicly financed payments by patient insurance group Patientforsikringen after they doubled to nearly 800 million kroner between 2007 and 2012. By 2015 the amount is expected to surpass a billion kroner. – Berlingske
Majority want student grants to remain intact
The vast majority of Danes are against making cuts to the SU student grant programme in connection with a planned overhaul of the system sometime this spring, according to a YouGov/MetroXpress survey of over 1,000 people. The poll indicated that 58 percent thought the amount of SU students can receive should remain as it is, while 26 percent believe it should be increased. Only seven percent said students should receive less SU and nine percent didn’t know. – MetroXpress
Metro apprenticeship programme a failure
A voluntary agreement that was supposed to lead to the creation hundreds of apprenticeships in connection with construction of the Metro’s Cityringen extension has created just two such positions. When the contract for the 22.2 billion kroner project was signed three years ago, it was without any requirement to establish work placement positions, but Metroselskabet, which operates the Metro, has admitted that not enough apprenticeships have been created. In Greater Copenhagen alone, there were 1,123 young people waiting for an apprenticeship in the construction field at the end of 2012. The 17-station extension of the underground rail is due to be completed in 2018 and will employ an estimated 25,000 people. – Politiken
A mix of rain and sun. Highs reaching 9 C. Overnight lows around 5 C. Windy at times. – DMI