Thousands of unemployed now in school
More than half of the people who have lost the right to receive unemployment benefits (dagpenge) have started studying, according to new figures. The stats, from labour market authority Arbejdsmarkedsstyrelsen, show that of the 9,649 people that have lost the right to dagpenge through mid-February, 5,430 have chosen to pursue a course of study. The unemployed are taking advantage of a special education scheme at job centres established by the government earlier this year. – Politiken
Wages for leaders on the rise
The wages for the CEOs and heads of the largest Danish companies increased by 18 percent in 2012 to 11.1 million kroner on average, according to a new report. The wage increases are ten times those of regular employees. The report, from revision and consultancy company Price Waterhouse Cooper (PwC), showed that it is particularly bonus payments that have contributed to pushing up the wages, something that the nation’s leading investor, ATP, has warned Danish companies not to continue. – Børsen
More young people turn to cosmetic help
In an attempt to create more beautiful versions of themselves, more and more people in their twenties make cosmetic changes to their faces. In Denmark it is legal to get cosmetic injections at the age of 18, something that more and more young people are taking advantage of. Aleris-Hamlet Private Hospitals, which has five departments around the country, said that the number of Botox and Restylane treatments has risen by 34 percent to about 4,000 treatments a year. – Kristeligt Dagblad
Danish scientist in historic squid find
The first ever global studies of giant squid showed that the mysterious creatures are very similar genetically, even though they live very far apart. University of Copenhagen professor Thomas Gilbert and his colleagues from Statens Naturhistoriske Museum, the state's museum of natural history, have sequestered genomes from 43 giant squid from samples collected all over the world. They found that out of 20,331 genetic pointers, the squid only differed in 181 genetic base pairs, something never before seen in the animal kingdom. – Videnskab