Memorable monsters meet Faroese femme fatales

Copenhagen’s resident arthouse cinema Cinemateket is in April offering an alternative to the standard Hollywood blockbusters on at larger theatres, instead providing a diverse mix of films, many of which are in English or offer English subtitles. Denmark’s major film festival CPH PIX will be holding many of its screenings at Cinemateket during its 13-day run, while the filmhouse will also host a multitude of themed series and showings between now and the end of April. This month’s picks include monthly film War Witch, an acclaimed drama about a 14-year-old child soldier, a month-long tribute to little-known French director Jean Grémillon, and classic horror films from the 1930s through the 50s. Check the website for screening details.


Audience Requests
What do you do when you’re dying to watch an old favourite, but it’s never shown on TV and that coveted DVD is nowhere to be found? Now you can request screenings of your favourites at Cinemateket, which allows you to tailor-make your viewing experience. April’s requests include 1975’s Night Moves, Francis Ford Coppola’s Rumble Fish from 1983, and the more recent Atonement and Girl With the Dragon Tattoo.

On April 11, CPH PIX takes over Copenhagen with an array of films, concerts, director visits and more. Over 150 films will be shown – of which many are at Cinemateket and with English subtitles. Check out Youth, in which two brothers kidnap a girl from rich parents to save their family from financial ruin, or Concussion, about a bourgeois woman who undergoes a radical transformation after an unfortunate head injury.


Danish on a Sunday

Cinemateket offers bi-weekly screenings of Danish film classics with English subtitles to introduce newcomers to the best of Scandinavian cinema. This month, don’t miss Nils Malmros’s Barbara (March 24, 14:15), in which a young Danish pastor of the 1760s falls in love with a femme fatale from the Faroe Islands. In April, catch Oscar winner Susanne Bier’s romantic comedy Den skaldede frisør (Love is All You Need, April 7, 14:15), or Det røde kapel (The Red Chapel, April 28, 14:15), a comedic investigation of everyday life under the North Korean regime.

April at Cinemateket
Gothersgade 55, Cph K; 3374 3400;

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