Aarhus students housed in caravans

To meet housing demands from a growing amount of students, Studenterhus Aarhus is renting out small caravans

An increasing number of students have flocked to Aarhus to begin their studies this year, but a lot of them still have not been able to find a place to live.

In order to accommodate these homeless students, the student house Studenterhus Aarhus is renting out 22 residential caravans for 130 kroner a night.

Each caravan measures 18sqm and houses four tenants in two dorms. The students share a bathroom and a small kitchen.

Last monday, 50 students moved into the newly opened 'Camp Student Housing'.

"Great temporary solution"
“It is definitely different to live here, but it is a great temporary solution,” resident Janni Johannsen Schauer told local news station TV 2 Østjylland. “However, if we have to be more than two people living in here, we won’t have room for our stuff anywhere."

Per Juulsen, the manager of the housing organisation Kollegiekontoret, said that 'Camp Student Housing' stressed that the caravans would only be a temporary solution.

Aarhus University and VIA University College are both located in the city, along with several other education institutions, but the city is not able to house all of the students starting this year.

New housing on its way
Aarhus Council is working on a way to provide students with 1,000 new flats, according to TV 2 Østjylland.

“There is a growing pressure on the housing market and it is going to be more difficult to find accommodation in the future,” council member Thomas Medom (Socialistisk Folkeparti) wrote in a press release. “That is why we need to take action right away.”

While it is still uncertain when new student housing projects will be available, Medom expects an agreement to be ready in a few weeks.

In the meantime, students can stay at Camp Student Housing until October 20, when Studenterhus Aarhus plans to remove the caravans.