The big freeze coming this weekend

Temperatures could dive as low as minus ten degrees next week

Winter may have been a mild one up to this point, but things might change next week.

Temperatures are expected to fall drastically beginning this weekend, according to national meteorological institute DMI, which says a low-pressure system will be moving in over southern Scandinavia from the north on Saturday. Temperatures are expected to plummet below the freezing point during the early hours of Sunday.

Lars Henriksen, a DMI meteorologist, said that the weather change will affect the winter chill that has been manifesting itself over the eastern parts of the US recently.

“This weather pattern looks to be changing now. The massive freeze in the northeastern part of the US is abating and at the same time cold, arctic air is beginning to drift down over Scandinavia and Denmark,” Henriksen said in a DMI press release.

READ MORE: Mild winter weather set to continue into January

Biting winds make it feel like -15
Henriksen and DMI have predicted that the temperatures next week will drop to around freezing during the day and could get close to minus ten degrees Celsius on Wednesday night.

And be sure to bust out your best winter garments because the cold weather will be accompanied with a biting wind that will make temperatures feel like minus 15.

But, despite the temperature drop, DMI doesn't expect much snow because the air will be very dry, but parts of the country, particularly areas by the coast, could experience a snow flake or two.

“We’ll be experiencing a change from this grey soup to real winter weather with blue skies, sunshine and some snow,” Michael Skelbæk, a DMI meteorologist, told Politiken newspaper. “The snow will probably fall along the east coast of Jutland, northern Funen, northern Zealand and the Baltic region.”

Despite the frosty prediction for next week, DMI is confident that the mild winter – this December was the second mildest since records began in 1874 – will return shortly again after next week.