“Nordic Twilight” heading stateside

Buzz growing about werewolf film ahead of July premiere

Its Danish release date isn’t until 31 July, but that hasn’t stopped an American company from snapping up the stateside rights to show ‘Når Dyret Drømmer’ (‘When Animals Dream’), a €4 million home-grown horror film in post-production.

The plot of the werewolf drama ‘Når Dyret Drømmer’ (‘When Animals Dream’) caught the eye of a Berlin-based multimedia executive at a recent film market in Germany, where the rights to show it in Australia, the UK, Germany and Greece were also snapped up.

Repped by French company Gaumont, the film is co-produced by Alphaville Pictures Copenhagen and Back Up Films with backing from the DFI, stars Lars Mikkelsen and Sonja Richter, and was written by Rasmus Birch, who also scribed ‘Broderskab’ (‘Brotherhood’). 

“It’s extremely hard these days to find a groundbreaking genre film, but ‘When Animals Dream’ is that rare gem indeed”, Tom Quinn, the co-president of the multimedia company Radius-TWC that made the acquisition, explained to Variety. 

Described as a mix between ‘Let The Right One In’ and ‘Carrie’, the film is about a young girl from a small fishing village who discovers she is a werewolf and gets hunted down by the villagers.

The film has already been dubbed “the Nordic Twilight” by Variety.