PIX (mini-)review | Stagefright

This simplistic slasher-lite is a Glee meets Friday 13th mash-up that scrapes by with enough funnies to score a warm reception from its target demographic.

Rocky Horror fans will welcome the prospect of a rock musical featuring Meatloaf, basques and runny facepaint, but comparisons should end there.


Dir: Jerome Sable

Canada, 2014, 90 mins

Allie Macdonald, Meatloaf, Minnie Driver


From Eskil Vogt, regular writing partner of Norway’s Jochim Trier (Oslo 31) comes this  hypnotic debut about a woman coping with the onset of blindness.

Within layers of episodic meta-narrative that resemble (in form if not tone) Phillip Kaufman’s Adaptation, we are purposefully disorientated by the sensual world of a paranoid imagination. By turns, funny and frightening.


Dir: Eskil Vogt

Norway, 2014, 96 mins

Ellen Dorrit Petersen, Henrik Rafaelsen, Vera Vitali


A teenage BMX biker witnesses his friend suddenly stabbed to death.

There’s a strong case for comparison with Gus Van Sant's Paranoid Park. The beautiful photography is the film: largely static compositions, inventively framed and held for long takes – the pacing may prove divisive.

In lieu of conventional drama or narrative you’ll find a melancholy study of the fallout that follows murder in this sleepy suburban setting.


Dir: Bas Devos

Netherlands, 2013, 82 mins

Cesar De Sutter, Raf Walschaerts
