Quite a party going on at Nytorv as exhibition opens

“Bones heal, but glory is eternal” – an apt maxim for any extreme sports junkie, especially those soon to be showcased in Red Bull’s international photography competition, which is visiting Copenhagen between October 9 and 18.  

Illume is regarded as the world’s biggest international photograghy competition dedicated to action and adventure, with over 50,000 images submitted by the closing date of November 2013.

An expert panel of international photo editors then whittled down entries to find the 50 gnarliest snaps and winners in 10 distinct categories.

After a stop in Cologne, Copenhagen is the second leg of the exhibition’s European tour before hitting the US, Cananda, Hong Kong and China.

The photographs will be displayed outside the Nytorv courthouse and bring well-needed light to Copenhagen as those early evenings begin to set in.

On opening night (October 9), top photographers and athletes will also attend to kickstart the week-long show.

“The exhibition is nothing less than a gift to all Danes with adventure and photography in their blood,” said Bugge Holm Hansen, a competition panellist and editior of media house Luxury, which publishes Danish sports and adventure magazine Outdoor Training. 

 “Red Bull Illume is an opportunity to explore the world and go on an adventure into the ultimate in action sports photography”, he said – but beware – “it’s easy to lose yourself in every picture.”

Oct 9-18; Nytorv, Cph K; redbullillume.com