Eeg’s here – anyone for French toast?

Good oeuf: Enjoy champers and other French delicacies at Bistro de Paris as leading jazz vocalist Sinne Eeg provides the music

May 14, 19:00; Bistro de Paris, Vesterbrogade 19, Cph V; tickets 480kr; reserve via

Sinne Eeg, widely regarded as one of Scandinavia’s leading jazz vocalists, will be giving a rare intimate concert in Copenhagen, fresh from performing at the legendary Petit Journal Montparnasse in Paris.

Bistro de Paris will provide the champagne, French delicacies and wine (all of which is included in ticket price).

While Eeg, accompanied by Jacob Chistoffersen on the Wurlitzer and Roger Neumann on the saxophone, will take care of the entertainment.

Jazz aficionados and Francophiles won’t want to miss this one.