The Danish Connection – 16 June 2024

In this episode, we talk to guest Nicolai Kampmann, co-editor of The Copenhagen Post, about the results of the EU elections and how they might affect internationals. Then, we take a look at another explosive new documentary about sexism in the Danish entertainment industry, why the euthanasia debate is getting heated, and why internationals are less likely to join unions.

How do you access news in Denmark if you don’t speak Danish?

There are 652,495 foreign citizens living in Denmark. We bring you Danish news in English every Sunday to help you stay informed about the country you live in.

In this episode, we talk to guest Nicolai Kampmann, co-editor of The Copenhagen Post, about the results of the EU elections in Denmark and the rest of Europe, and how they might affect internationals.

Then, we take a look at another explosive new documentary about sexism in the Danish entertainment industry, why the euthanasia debate is getting heated, and why internationals are less likely to join unions.

All this, plus cultural tips and hot-takes on the week’s  headlines. 

Listen to this episode Spotify.

Want to ask a question or share a story? We’d love to hear your enquiries, opinions and tales of the immigrant experience in Denmark.

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In collaboration with The Copenhagen Post@cphpost 
Hosted by María Eva De Sanctis and Rachel Sheary: @_mariaeva_ and @rachsheary  
Edited by Melissa Marchi: @__melissamarchi  
Music by Fran De Pian: @frandepian  
Fact checking Jonas Friis De Sanctis: @jonas_friis  
Cover Picture by Martin Lange: @kammarad  
Broadcasting from Union: @unionkbh