The price of electronic wares could drop in the near future after it was revealed that Europe's second-biggest electronics chain Euronics is coming to the Danish market. The international group has over 11,000 independent electrical retailers in 31 countries.
Headquartered in Amsterdam in the Netherlands, Euronics has already opened a store in Ikast in Jutland and is scheduled to open 20 to 25 stores in Denmark during 2015. But the goal is not to beat competitors Elgiganten and Expert out of the market.
”It looks like we are getting some good purchase prices, but we shouldn't be battling it out with the two big players on the market,” Viggo Mulvad, the owner of the store in Ikast, told Børsen business newspaper.
"It's more important for us to service our local customers with competitive prices."
Rural focus
Initially Euronics will focus its attention on stores in the rural areas of Denmark.
Euronics is Europe's largest electronics buying group which purchases wares on behalf of its many members.