Denmark one of northern Europe’s most intolerant nations

Animosity towards the Roma particularly severe

Denmark has been ranked as the most intolerant out of seven Northern European nations, according to a new YouGov research poll (here in English).

The poll – which also included France, Germany, Britain, Sweden, Norway and Finland – found that 29 percent of Danes were found to be intolerant to either Romas, Muslims, Jews, black people or gay people. It just edged out Finland, which also scored 29.

“Denmark appears to be very intolerant overall, but setting the especially high level of negative sentiment towards Roma/Gypsies/travellers to one side, it is third (18 points) behind Finland (23) and France (20),” the poll found.

READ MORE: Danes: We are too tolerant of Muslims

Swedes least intolerant
The findings showed that 72 percent of Danes were ‘totally negative’ when it came to their impression of Roma/Gypsies/travellers – first by a long way – while 45 percent felt similarly about Muslims, which was tied for the most with Finland.

To a lesser degree, the Danes were also intolerant of black people (11 percent), gay people (7 percent – the lowest of all seven nations), Jews (8 percent), Christians (7 percent), young people (11 percent) and the elderly (5 percent).

Overall, Sweden was found to be the least intolerant at 20 percent, followed by Norway and Germany (tied at 22), Britain (24), France (27), while the Finns joined the Danes at joint last (29).