
  • Nursing students protesting new educational reform

    Nursing students protesting new educational reform


    Christoffer Friis Christensen

    Last week, nursing students in front of Folketinget protested a new government proposal that is seeking to change the current nursing education as a part of a grander reform of the Danish educational system.

  • An international living in Denmark is the world’s best teacher

    An international living in Denmark is the world’s best teacher


    The British Peter Tunna, an international working as a teacher at the North Zealand International School, won the ICA Teacher Awards. He is the first person from Denmark to achieve this. “You need to make an effort to integrate into Danish society and culture—you can’t just expect it to come to you or happen automatically,” he says.

  • Danes are no longer best in Scandinavia to speak English

    Danes are no longer best in Scandinavia to speak English


    The Copenhagen Post

    Citizens of Sweden and Norway are better at speaking English than the Danes. The Netherlands has the best English skills, according to the annual EF English Proficiency Index, which measures the world’s English proficiency.

  • DTU named best technical university in the EU

    DTU named best technical university in the EU


    The Technical University of Denmark, located half an hour from Copenhagen, has topped a new ranking of over 200 technical universities in the EU, where it stands out particularly for its excellence in research, innovation and internationalism.

  • North Zealand International School opens hundreds of new spots

    North Zealand International School opens hundreds of new spots


    Bernardo Basilici Menini

    North Zealand International School in Hørsholm, 40 minutes from Copenhagen, is building a new headquarters that will double its capacity. “International and Danish students will spend a lot of time together,” says the Head of the School. The new building is set to open in 2025

  • Brit represents Denmark at world teachers’ awards

    Brit represents Denmark at world teachers’ awards


    Bernardo Basilici Menini

    The British Peter Tunna is the only candidate from Denmark for the International Curriculum Association Awards. He works at North Zealand International School and moved to Denmark 10 years ago.

  • Expat Counselling offers mental health support for children in need of assessment and diagnosis

    Expat Counselling offers mental health support for children in need of assessment and diagnosis


    The Copenhagen Post

    Waiting lists are long in Denmark for children and young people to be assessed for a learning support needs diagnosis. It can be of great importance to a child’s education and social well-being. An expat counselor offers an assessment by a native English-speaking psychologist.

  • Overview: Denmark’s upcoming education system reform

    Overview: Denmark’s upcoming education system reform


    The Danish government yesterday presented its proposals for an education system reform, including scrapping 10th grade, introducing tougher admission requirements, and opening 400 new international degree-level study places in the STEM fields.

  • Moving to Copenhagen to study? Top tips from a student community manager

    Moving to Copenhagen to study? Top tips from a student community manager


    Christina Kronback

    Laura Lombardi came from Italy to Copenhagen in 2015 as an international student. Almost a decade later, she is the community and operations manager at Basecamp, a student house accommodation in the very heart of Copenhagen city centre

  • Intro week is not easy for introverts

    Intro week is not easy for introverts


    Christina Kronback

    Pub-crawls, clubbing and icebreakers planned by extroverted senior students for new first-year students can be fun for extroverts, but too much for introverts who feel pressured to participate.

  • Wealthy parents increasingly choose schools with kids from the same social background

    Wealthy parents increasingly choose schools with kids from the same social background


    The Copenhagen Post

    For decades, the goal of public schools in Denmark has been to mix students regardless of their social backgrounds. But now those values are being strained by a growing tendency for especially well-to-do parents to choose schools where their children only mix with similar classmates.

  • Song, snak, and self-study: How a fun-loving approach to language helped an American conquer Danish

    Song, snak, and self-study: How a fun-loving approach to language helped an American conquer Danish


    Tina Dastur

    American expat Brooke Fossey is a self-professed Danish language nerd, and her Instagram profile @nearlydanishdame is testament to this. Diving into into her unusual language learning journey, she discusses how it sparks joy and motivates her to keep going.