
  • The Dark

    The Dark


    Here comes Danish winter. Once, I had coffee sucked from its cup, as a frosty hurricane dived into the tiny hole in the lid, ripped it off, and pulled my drink out with it.

  • You should work more, we are told

    You should work more, we are told


    Sune Steffen Hansen

    The most pressing political issue right now is the shortage of labor. According to the government there is a solution: you should work more. However, this does not resonate with public opinion as many people already feel overburdened with work.

  • The secret to leading Danes, part II

    The secret to leading Danes, part II


    Signe Biering

    Signe Biering is an executive coach, trained in psychology, with a background in diplomacy.

  • Make love and work less

    Make love and work less


    David Munis Zepernick

  • The philosophy of Aktiv Dødshjaelp

    The philosophy of Aktiv Dødshjaelp


    Captain Stephen Dean Paul

    Assisted death: In this article I’m going to appeal to your senses and your philosophical mind.

  • Getting a job

    Getting a job


    Conrad Molden

    Your A-kasse will be filled with smiley happy people called Mikkel and Thilde who happily speak English, offer you coffee and have comfortable home lives. The Jobcenter, however, will be the polar opposite.

  • A new era of Danish immigration policy is coming

    A new era of Danish immigration policy is coming


    Sune Steffen Hansen

    Labor shortage is a big challenge for Denmark. Could it spell the demise of the harsh immigration policy that has dominated the political scene for years?

  • More Attention Required

    More Attention Required


    “As parents, we’d both noticed he found certain basic tasks challenging for some years.” Adrian Mackinder shares his son’s journey to ADD diagnosis in Denmark.

  • A bumpy ride to Permanent Residency: Family reunification in Denmark

    A bumpy ride to Permanent Residency: Family reunification in Denmark


    Abby Wambaugh

    “I feel moved by what being Danish has given my children. Every child should be entitled to this security. But one thing my Danish kids still don’t have is the right to keep their non-Danish parent in the country.”

  • Copenhagen on my mind

    Copenhagen on my mind


    A tribute from a city kid to an old, sweet city. I can’t get Copenhagen out of my mind.

  • How to get pregnant in Denmark – when you need a little help

    How to get pregnant in Denmark – when you need a little help


    Olga Kudryavtseva

    Olga Kudryavtseva is a medical scientist who offers consulting for internationals about fertility treatment in Denmark. She is also a member of Copenhagen Infertility Support Group.

  • Cleaning up the Danish language

    Cleaning up the Danish language


    Conrad Molden

    The Danish language is a strange and mysterious thing.