The former justice minister, Brian Mikkelsen (K), wants to divide immigrants into ‘good’ and ‘bad’ groups, and let those deemed as good into the country while sending the bad packing.
“Even though it is politically incorrect to talk about, there are good and bad immigrants,” Mikkelsen told Jyllands-Posten newspaper. “Not good and bad people, but some immigrants benefit the Danish society and some do not.”
Mikkelsen said it is time to “throw away the blinders” and start the debate about a two-tiered immigration system.
Bad immigrants, like those Mikkelsen said “come form specific countries and fill up the prisons”, should be sent out of the country while those who “earn money, pay taxes and contribute to innovation” should be welcomed.
Mikkelsen called it “ridiculous” that quality immigrants were not being allowed to come to Denmark – or are being forced out due to the nation's stringent, often counter-productive immigration laws – even though he was part of the Venstre/Konservative government, that, along with support party Dansk Folkeparti, helped craft the immigration laws that he now finds so restrictive.
“The rules were necessary at the time because we took over from a red government that had thrown open the barn doors,” he said. “But we need highly-educated immigrants who are good for society.”
READ MORE: Immigrants are good for the economy
Mikkelsen pointed to the Canadian system, in which immigrants who have high marks in language, education and job experience have an easier time getting permanent residence.
Venstre spokesperson Ellen Trane Nørby (V) said that a sorting system was discussed for years during the VK regime, but plans were dropped because the idea presumably violated human rights conventions.
“They do it in Canada and the Netherlands, and we should be allowed to do it in Denmark as well,” Nørby told Jyllands-Posten. “We investigated the idea while we were leading the government, but were told it violated the rules.”