One could be forgiven for thinking that the career of Italian media mogul and former prime minister Silvio Berlusconi was over following his tax fraud conviction and public office ban in 2013.
But the animated wheeler-dealer – known as 'Il Caveliere' ('The Knight') – is mounting a spectacular comeback!
However, before any Italian reading this collapses in distress, let it be added that he is making a comeback on stage … in Frederiksberg.
'Berlusconi: The Musical' is a new musical written by US-based director Rhea Leman and set to premiere at Frederiksbergscenen in Copenhagen on April 21.
The satirical musical centres around Berlusconi recording his very own campaign musical 'In Bed With Berlusconi' at the TV studios in Milan as he prepares for a fourth term as prime minister. The main star? Silvio himself, obviously.
”I'm very interested in Europe's political situation and – like many others – fascinated by the phenomenon that is Berlusconi,” Leman explained.
”I believe that his populist politics is a good example of the political climate we find ourselves in, and as a playwright, I wanted to investigate that. With 'Berlusconi, The Musical', I do just that in the form of satire and comedy – a pure theatre fiction focusing on the political leader and his voters.”
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Echoes of Silvio
Illustrating the highs and lows of his life, the musical is a political comedy about power, corruption, emotion, singing, machismo and irresistibly beautiful ladies. It is the very essence of Berlusconi.
Ina Miriam Rosenbaum plays the part of Berlusconi in a cast that also includes Karen-Lise Mynster, Laura Bro, Mette K Madsen, pianist Rikke Sandberg and other scantily-clad extras.
Composer Joachim Holbek – who composed the music for Lars Von Trier's film 'Manderlay' and series 'Riget' – is also involved, as is set designer Camilla Bjørnvad.
The musical, which will be in Danish, is set to run at Frederiksbergscenen from April 21 to May 9. The show – which lasts about two hours, break included – will start at 20:00 on weekdays and 16:00 on Saturdays. Ticket prices range from 100-225 kroner and can be purchased here.