Four picks to start us off

A select quartet to get you excited about CPH PIX

This week marked 25 years since Twin Peaks first arrived, changing – well, everything. It’s a bittersweet celebration however, since creator David Lynch recently pulled out of directing a new series after budget disputes. For those following developments, it’s an emotional rollercoaster and there’s little respite in the general releases this week – unless you can find solace in American teen comedy clichés.

The D.u.f.f. (Designated Ugly Fat Friend) opens today and is the sole reason why this week we’re breaking our usual code of conduct and reviewing an acclaimed Austrian documentary with Danish subtitles – so apologies to those without Danish reading skills. Im Keller (In The Basement), a poetic exposé of strange going-ons in Austrian basements (thankfully Josef Fritzl does not feature) is reviewed above.

Elsewhere, CPH PIX has taken over. Here are some of the recommendations for the coming week.

April 11, 19:00; Grand
This is the directorial debut of Jon Stewart, the host of The Daily Show. It details the ordeal of Iranian/Canadian journalist Maziar Bahar (at the hands of an interrogator played by Danish actor Kim Bodnia) for making fun of the Iranian regime.

One on One
April 12, 19:00; Grand
Best known outside South Korea for his mediative Buddhist parable Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter and Spring, he’s equally known for brutal, uncompromising visions. His latest film follows a witchhunt for the killers of a high school student.

April 13, 21:30; Grand
A Welsh town is the setting for the mass teenage suicides detailed in Jeppe Ronde’s sensory film.

White God
April 9, 20:00; Empire & April 14, 16:40; Grand
This strange metaphorical fable about a dog who forms a pack and abandons domesticity for the wild won the Un Certain Regard prize in Cannes last year.

See the festival website for full listings at

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