From across the country they came, cross country was their game

No pain no gain said the competitors in the international schools championship by NGGID

If there are two words guaranteed to send shivers down the spines of former boarding school pupils, it’s cross country.

But that didn’t put off today’s generation from braving up at the annual Cross Country Championships for international schools on Friday 21 November, which was this year hosted by NGGID International in Hørsholm.

Competing against the home team were Aarhus Academy for Global Education, Esbjerg International School, Odense International School, Rygaards International School and Skt Josefs International School in Roskilde.

In total, 250 students aged five to 17 participated over distances ranging from 500 to 5,000 metres – a long slog for some, but judging by the looks of satisfaction crossing the finishing line, well worth it

Given the number of balloons they’d blown up, you would have thought NGGID would have run out of puff


But nobody had banked on the vociferous support they would receive all day long

Danish pastries lay in wait for those who completed the course … and home supporters who shouted the loudest

They’re under starters’ orders and they’re off

First off, here's a round-up of the winners in the girls' events …

Rygaards pulled off a one-two in the under-13s girls (3,000m) thanks to Rianne Macado and Kathuria Vindhya, with Anna Studsgarth (NGGID) back in third

Eliyah Lassen ( NGGID) took the under-15s girls title (3,500m), finishing ahead of team-mate Emilie Møller and Mathilde White (Skt Josefs)

Cassandra Steenberg from Rygaards was top girl in the under-17s (4,500m), edging out team-mate Lauren Wigan and Emilie Svendsen (Skt Josefs)

NGGID completed a clean sweep in the under-7s girls (500m). Wilma Møller was followed home by Filippa Neesgaard and Jacqueline Bendixen

Angelina Vasques (NGGID) took the honours in the under-9s girls (1,000m), finishing ahead of Amara Romero (Rygaards) and Zenta Canudas (Odense)

And Esbjerg had it all its own way in the under-15s girls (3,500m). Fraja Overbeck and Siff Petersen were so good that nobody finished third

And then there were the boys …

Jonas Salem (Skt Josefs ) took home the title in the under-15s boys (4,500m), edging out Miquel Trafi Ruiz (NGGID) and Rasmus Jensen (Esbjerg)

Lorentz Dutrievoz (Aarhus) won the under-13s boys (3,000m) ahead of Mariano Vasques (NGGID), with Aaron Bird (NGGID) and Oliver Cason (Skt Josefs) third

NGGID were dominant in the under-7s boys (500m) in which Oskar Larsen led team-mates Oscar Weller and Joe Hargreaves to a Kenyan-like 1-2-3

Tobias Storm (NGGID) led home Nicholas Andersen in the under-11s boys (2,000m) with a jubilant William Brander Wang Rygaards coming in third

And in the blue ribbon event, Kiran Torres (Rygaards) took the title in the under-17s boys, finishing ahead of Mahdi Al Attabi (NGGID) and Takumi Nakayama (Aarhus)

post script …

The look on Filippa Neesgaard’s face in the time-keeping tent, where Oliver and Atash orchestrated proceedings, said it all

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