Museums Corner will take on a journey into the unknown

Lose yourself in a different universe

Clear your senses and take a step into the unknown – a different universe if you like – to these four thought-provoking exhibitions.

Enter the wardrobe at ‘Century of the Child’, but instead of Narnia, discover it is cram-packed with child-orientated design.

Or in the absence of a time machine, embrace the work of Danish artist Hans Henrik Lerfeldt as it takes you back to the 1980s.

Maybe you’d be happier in the future. In this storm-ravaged country, it is no longer fanciful to imagine a very different Denmark, but hopefully not one underwater!

While ‘Cities in Climate Change’ takes a downcast (but not submerged) perspective, ‘The Weather Diaries’ demonstrates how extreme weather can fuel creativity.

Painterly photographs
National Museum of Photography at Den Sorte Diamant, Søren Kierkegaards Plads 1; ends Feb 1;

The exhibition ’The Weather Diaries’ by internationally acclaimed American artist duo Cooper & Gorfer shows painterly photographs from the North Atlantic fashion scene, where the weather is a driving force of creativity. Over the past two years, Sarah Cooper and Nina Gorfer have travelled in the Faroe Islands, Greenland and Iceland to explore the impact of local traditions and surroundings on the individual creativities of native fashion designers. The everchanging weather, isolation and scarce resources are a unique source of inspiration to designers in these remote regions.

Design for children
Designmuseum Danmark, Bredgade 68, Cph K; Jan 17-Aug 30;

Step into a children’s universe when Designmuseum Danmark’s new exhibition, ‘Century of the Child’, gives you the chance to explore 20th century Nordic art, architecture and design for children. The exhibition covers all aspects of design from posters, toys  and children’s books to furniture, school design and playgrounds – with a particular focus on Danish design.

Giant insects and posing women

Gl Holtegaard, Attemosevej 170, Holte; Jan 16-April 12;

The exhibition ‘HEAVY’ at Gl Holtegaard unfolds Danish artist Hans Henrik Lerfeldt’s delicate, sophisticated, yet also coarse, rough and surreal universe. Operating in a field where many things meet and intersect – vanity and mortality, fascination and repulsion – Lerfeldt embodies the spirit of the 1980s with all its bleak pessimism, surface glitz and desire as he depicts his baroque subject matter: posing women and giant

Rainy days
Danish Architecture Centre, Strandgade 27B, Cph K; Jan 16- April 6;

Water running into our basements has become something that many of us are familiar with. We need to get used to increasingly heavier rainfall. And we need to adjust our cities accordingly. What is the best way to do that? And in the process of adapting our cities to climate change, can we create better cities too? The exhibition ‘Cities in Climate Change’ at Danish Architecture Centre shows us how we can avoid having our basements turned into swimming pools, and how to create recreational urban spaces that are able to contain the rainwater.

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