Cph Games – Experience the gush of adrenaline rush


Who needs real sports, when Copenhagen Games 2012 is right around the corner? Designed for those who love e-sports, electronic entertainment and probably Star Trek and Star Wars, Cph Games is the ultimate experience for computer-game aficionados. 


One of Scandinavia’s largest e-sport events, Cph Games assembles the crème de la crème of players and game developers, giving them the opportunity to socialise, play games and discuss common passions and interests. In other words, it is a haven for computer nerds.


Organised by SLAP.dk – Denmark’s largest and oldest e-sports organiser – Cph Games is the country’s proudest gaming competition event, so dearly esteemed by fans that it counts on the support of over 50 volunteers. It takes place once a year and this year’s total prize pool is 49,100 euros. Who ever said being geeky doesn’t pay off?


Akin to a music festival, Cph Games is up and running for five straight days and attracts a widely international crowd. The participants are welcome to sleep over, so they can fully enjoy every glorious minute of the experience. Instead of tents, they have designated sleeping rooms, and rather than listening to music, they play games, and in this context, games rock harder than any artist ever could. Who needs Lady


Gaga when you can have League of Legends?


So, what exactly happens at Cph Games? The simple answer is that a lot of electricity gets used up while an army of geeks plays itself to the bone. But it is actually more intricate than that, or so I’m made to understand. There are fierce teams, complex rules, goals to achieve and awards to be won. Skill is everything and only the best make it through the tournament’s countless challenges. Last year’s event was enjoyed by over 700 gamers.


The participants comprise several different teams, who battle each other to the death, or, until they win the cash prizes: first place earns the winning team 9,400 euros, second place pays 4,700 euros and the third place 2,600 euros (the amounts may vary depending on the game). Not bad, considering most of the participants would probably play for free.


So which games are on the menu? The main tournaments include Counter Strike 1.6, Counter Strike Source, Starcraft II, League of Legends and Battlefield 3. If you recognise any of these names, you should probably consider joining in on the fun. 


All in all, Cph Games is an exciting event that allows gamers from all over the world to get together and have a good time doing things most of us consider nerdy or geeky. Picture a mix between Woodstock and the characters of popular American TV show The Big Bang Theory.

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