Two women in custody for sex shop murder

No motive yet for why a Polish labourer with no criminal past was murdered in a video booth of a sex shop in Vesterbro last week

Two suspects, arrested on Saturday in connection with last week’s murder of 28-year-old Leszek Przytarski in a video booth of a sex shop in Vesterbro, have had their detentions extended today.

The two Romanian women, aged 23 and 25, are suspected of murdering the Polish labourer Thursday afternoon at the Play House sex shop on the corner of Oehlenschlaegersgade and Vesterbrogade, though they maintain their involvement.

“At about 5 or 5:30pm he meets the two women in the red-light district in Vesterbro, at which point they go together to Play House,” Jens Møller, head of Københavns Politis homicide division, told Jyllands-Posten newspaper. “The women were seen leaving the cinema but they were in there together for some time.”

Przytarski was a regular at the sex shop, which offers booths where customers can watch pornographic videos and which are used by prostitutes for sex. He was a Danish resident and held a social security number (CPR) but was not previously known to police.

Investigators said he did not die directly from being stabbed but as a result of blood loss. They are also investigating whether it was possible for Przytarski to have stabbed himself.

The knife used to stab him was found in the booth along with a bottle of vodka, though his mobile phone and backpack were both missing.

No firm motives for the murder have yet been announced by police, though a financial incentive has been sounded, as Przytarski was thought to have had money on him before he died.

The police stated yesterday that they were seeking the whereabouts of a 65-year-old regular of the sex shop that also used the cinema at about 6pm.

“He was sitting in the bar, which is very close to the booths, and he might have heard what happened or seen people’s movements,” Møller said.

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